Thursday, September 18, 2008

Welcome to the Health Equity Blog!

This blog was set up for use by students and faculty in PRIME-HEq (Program in Medical Education - Health Equity) as a way to talk about ideas and issues affecting health. Health equity is a broad concept - but here we use the term to refer to an aspect of social justice. In general - ways of looking at resources and distributing those resources in a way to best serve a population in order to reduce disparities in health.

It is expected that students and faculty will read the blog on a regular basis. Students will also be expected to post at least two blog entries during the class quarter. These entries will focus on topics of the students’ choosing as well as topics related to health care systems and policies. These systems may include payment systems (Medicare, Medicaid, HMO’s, etc.), government responses to increase access (the Massachusetts model, proposals being debated in California, etc.), or health provision models (the VA, public health approaches, etc.).

Blog entries might be based on an idea, a news story, an item on the web, or something that was overviewed. The entry is a response to something that made you stop and think – and will hopefully do the same for your fellow students.

1 comment:

  1. Hey everyone, I am signed up to receive the feeds from our PRIME-Heq blog on my google reader, but I am not sure how to get my name to show up as a contributor. Can anyone help me out with this, I feel kind of like a dummy asking, but I figured I would give it a shot. Thanks!
