Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Kiva Loan Program

I know this program has gotten a little publicity recently, so perhaps many of you have heard about it already. In case you haven't, I would really recommend checking out Its a really cool company that links people around the world to provide personal loans to people in developing countries. The loans are usually for seeds, or supplies for a general store, or other things along those lines. They go directly to the entrepreneur and are repaid relatively quickly usually. I know we are all poor college students, but you can literally give as little as $25 AND you get paid back so you can loan out that money again. And lets be honest, we can probably all spare $25. Its a really cool site and you can look around for regions, and business you are personally passionate about helping. I know this isn't directly linked to health care, but I thought it might be something people in PRIME would be interested in as well. Anyways, check it out!

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